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Admins Examples
Available with Kong Gateway Enterprise subscription - Contact Sales
How to Invite and Register an Admin
Can be used for automation
export USERNAME=<username>
export EMAIL=<email>
export WORKSPACE=<workspace>
export HOST=<admin_api_host>
export TOKEN=Kong-Admin-Token:<super_admin_token>
for example:
export USERNAME=drogon
export WORKSPACE=default
export HOST=
export ADMIN_TOKEN=Kong-Admin-Token:hunter2
May benefit from HTTPie and jq.
Step 1
Extract and store the token from the registration URL, either by manually creating an environment variable or by echoing and piping with jq
Manual method example:
- Send a request to the registration URL
http $HOST/$WORKSPACE/admins/$USERNAME?generate_register_url=true $TOKEN
- Copy the response and export as an environment variable, for example:
export REGISTER_TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NDUwNjc0NjUsImlkIjoiM2IyNzY3MzEtNjIxZC00ZjA3LTk3YTQtZjU1NTg0NmJkZjJjIn0.gujRDi2pX_E7u2zuhYBWD4MoPFKe3axMAq-AUcORg2g
Programmatic method (requires jq
REGISTER_TOKEN=$(http $HOST/$WORKSPACE/admins/$USERNAME?generate_register_url=true $TOKEN | jq .token -r)
Step 2
http $HOST/$WORKSPACE/admins/register token=$REGISTER_TOKEN username=$USERNAME email=$EMAIL password="<new_password>"