You are browsing documentation for an outdated plugin version.
This plugin is not compatible with Konnect
Looking for the plugin's configuration parameters? You can find them in the Kong JWT Signer configuration reference doc.
The Kong JWT Signer plugin makes it possible to verify, sign, or re-sign one or two tokens in a request. With a two-token request, one token is allocated to an end user and the other token to the client application, for example.
The plugin refers to tokens as an access token and channel token. Tokens can be any valid verifiable tokens. The plugin supports both opaque tokens through introspection, and signed JWT tokens through signature verification. There are many configuration parameters available to accommodate your requirements.
Configuration notes
Most of the plugin’s configuration parameters are optional, but you need to specify some options to actually make the plugin work:
For example, signature verification cannot be done without the plugin knowing about
. -
Also for introspection to work, you need to specify introspection endpoints
Manage key signing
If you specify config.access_token_keyset
or config.channel_token_keyset
with either an
or https://
prefix, it means that token signing keys are externally managed by you.
In that case, the plugin loads the keys just like it does for config.access_token_jwks_uri
and config.channel_token_jwks_uri
. If the prefix is not http://
or https://
(such as "my-company"
or "kong"
), Kong autogenerates JWKS for supported algorithms.
External JWKS specified with config.access_token_keyset
should also contain private keys with supported alg
either "RS256"
or "RS512"
for now. External URLs that contain private keys should
be protected so that only Kong can access them. Currently, Kong doesn’t add any authentication
headers when it loads the keys from an external endpoint, so you have to do it with network
level restrictions. If it is a common need to manage private keys externally
instead of allowing Kong to autogenerate them, we can add another parameter
for adding an authentication header (possibly similar to
The key size (the modulo) for RSA keys is currently hard-coded to 2048 bits.
Consumer mapping
The following parameters let you provide consumer mapping:
The plugin only maps consumers once.
It applies mappings in the following order, depending on whether the input is opaque or JWT:
- Access token introspection results
- Access token JWT payload
- Channel token introspection results
- Channel token JWT payload
When mapping is done, no other mappings are used. The plugin won’t try to remap or override consumers once they’ve been found and mapped. For example, if an access token already maps to a Kong consumer, the plugin doesn’t try to map a channel token to that consumer anymore, and won’t throw any errors.
A general rule is to map either the access token or the channel token, not both.
Kong Admin API Endpoints
This plugin also provides a few Admin API endpoints, and some actions upon them.
Cached JWKS Admin API Endpoint
The plugin caches JWKS specified with config.access_token_jwks_uri
to Kong database for quicker access to them. The plugin
further caches JWKS in Kong node’s shared memory, and on process a level memory for
even quicker access. When the plugin is responsible for signing the tokens, it
also stores its own keys in the database.
Admin API endpoints never reveal private keys but do reveal public keys.
Private keys that the plugin autogenerates can only be accessed from database
directly (at least for now). Private parts in JWKS include
properties such as d
, p
, q
, dp
, dq
, qi
, and oth
. For public keys
that are using a symmetric algorithm (such as HS256
) and include k
that is not hidden from Admin API as that is practically used both to verify and
to sign. This makes it a bit problematic to use, and we strongly suggest using
asymmetric (or public key) algorithms. Doing so also makes rotating the keys
easier because the public keys can be shared between parties
and published without revealing their secrets.
View all of the public keys that Kong has loaded or generated:
GET localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks
curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks
"data": [
"created_at": 1535560520731,
"id": "c1d2d9b7-ac3a-4ca4-b595-453acd78925e",
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "aXKFjIY80eM_H4rqhT6iaOfdL5iDHDHjag2BWLaxeJA",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "qDjxLGSa4jI14ctmvjMDQzZDfZJcXS6G6-wcVxLsQgrIWc_JnZ44b1ApAokFwaZsig4oNFLQYAMdapZSORI2jNlZ9lsJ-b3VZUz0gB5jGaFAyx7G1Uh46w_-2JZKI4wW8KinJ8VZayobSYS3eg6p3f34t2mDv36Uwa4B8DZKo8cE0JE8T2ne2lyS18W9bJkpfIoctcDjzsvFTg4NbEF3Y61q5v_6icxyJkB9JtS2JE1RjJxmBDOb_ETCLyIiN0Wlb9OdLX_HSdY3DRfnYNl3XAaPdqr8QifqidfdWI4YnJiJ3mYAgI-E37waZ0-1-Ykt-mpvUX1l_UvAdxqetGuC5Q",
"use": "sig"
"alg": "RS512",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "xb_lFJbpaVuo7cWO7XADl0PsL4G97VFpFg3hIgRiJHQ",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "vLY2u2q1gmzysPCbjq7mSDwh2oeRLZ3A047gn0-JsNWF2BZrgMUlB5cnKHOUPAD2ugHjUAOVMy_1d6FO2VBxV6i66KgWM_CMu0sqpmM-n7iUq8TCbpOX5mWczt3GutXPw960--LGyFTuuy2xi1wVYW1WbDIvb4oLo9b0G1eJIjvtSjmQ8tiBkiIxnRGKKxeZl0oTX99v6Z9X1aXoQ11y46l4_IGsN1b8ZWfBJ7Glyi80trWIs6z-EmZED6gdRushRT98GHofqTPRaaOnOJ1itHECj6U82ec6UU-IBtryGqUn_PQ9fUpI1Ru-0jGEcMY3aBZdZ4Uy_189ELK4jqn28w",
"use": "sig"
"name": "kong",
"previous": [],
"updated_at": 1535560520731
"created_at": 1535560520379,
"id": "d9d5b731-55fe-4cad-829f-6aba4b2d8823",
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "b863b534069bfc0207197bcf831320d1cdc2cee2",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "8h6tCwOYDPtzyFivNaIguQVc_yBO5eOA2kUu_MAN8s4VWn8tIfCbVvcAz3yNwQuGpkdNg8gTk9QmReXl4SE8m7aCa0iRcBBWLyPUt6TM1RkYE51rOGYhjWxo9V8ogMXSBclE6x0t8qFY00l5O34gjYzXtyvyBX7Sw5mGuNLVAzq2nsCTnIsHrIaBy70IKU3FLsJ_PRYyViXP1nfo9872q3mtn7bJ7_hqss0vDgUiNAqPztVIsrZinFbaTgXjLhBlUjFWgJx_g4p76CJkjQ3-puZRU5A0D04KvqQ_0AWcN1Q8pvwQ9V4uGHm6Bop9nUhIcZJYjjlTM9Pkx_JnVOfekw",
"use": "sig"
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "55b854edf35f093b4708f72dec4f15149836e8ac",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "xul55cFjIY7QFMhl79y_3MWK4rHDRqTu-C2VxaPqxbLUSW-LJp8hotDeIOdMEawi2WFNUUCrOpSl33CtX3oFeq7ytLS6y5aosoQMLlguGHnU7FBNvw9kNtR41ykvLphU5YGJVr_JVFAqJPcpB9cEo6f6Mo9i8_gfsXMhkyrm5eqXDFlgDfgfJ_oaMyfkBmhLO2sjgdLguy_x6jg1Ys3WK2DfsI0q7X_esbEStEiV9M9lHOYsmdikKO-CPK6_c5zzJgiIjoND47WEtWuuOp_izV6BeojK9JFPHxcOnX71__sTWYl2iv7cZUNQQeH3Kub6gfpfVjCExy_5qKvtdMnzrw",
"use": "sig"
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "ba4aeae8b208ad9ae12b6610865f63961287b6d6",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "1f7xnpGKS5pq7l2nE0iLQ1SYX3MVeOxFDdqzTLOzU_JCNrl_w0a3f1Ry0nRPGMjONaBodUAKKgVbTKT3v88Y8-8l4BAk7lnw0fjw404MfDCt2lHaLVY_WjCHfltsUbCklta_eSN92bYQX81wmlGhwWW5kAyagTkpsPGb04zZLWTPR5fYffdYfRY1r65VmzrZaniEq4HQUr49swKmH5yyqF_HrtkpXXAcqmPlsoh1rwm1G1fsDTiNgwhJD54oZ1z5h-_8S4a0XV5cfrAQw6zzRw2Yfe6_FSXVJdJjZ_qZmY_Eqay3Wv-FDr0mZGZg6RmTtDt5208lwUcB4j49kczUhw",
"use": "sig"
"name": "",
"previous": [],
"updated_at": 1535560520379
"total": 2
Cached JWKS Admin API Endpoint for a Key Set
A particular key set can be accessed in another endpoint:
GET localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks/<name-or-id>
curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks/kong
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "v6el8V8dbrKY5w2PInkM468aSuODrKcfbt-44xdDIjk",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "uJzCU_TangWMFk25_JggtkVNjtFfaaz3jERYEYrsb92KFK4FpjfenYYeo8XCGLphn-NcYJroHy3aVznTvU3O8B-5z27uFgXUzk_m-fJ5C4cyqBaJS_myuMOnx0SBl-V6rIGmbdAd0rxsR9SK4JXaZ7xPnQKl8Z6N_Be2iWzf8RUzgM51x7RLQWr55DXBz5IS0O3uYi0z2_xaTyhvZ01aGMGO8Jom1QZkSf2SBGVvQiff464wB_R9Uw8bnbDw6SI0A7JbvSTj80dsoB5YJaR6OZ7XzJX53J1-efiEPc-JTXnqsN1xd-7DbrwpGSui7cGU79H7rG2o-DdVtz649JVXHw",
"use": "sig"
"alg": "RS512",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "SBFmMBtMQzjQEYPDQ_7H5emJzfjX4-FBVE22_SRy5oU",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "rPcrSYQKnJNfMd0AF2t8JGSRdSSOeEPwSpPNyq6T13NXWLBDzzmZC8gNURFrsB8hkeY_KUNe3rVZz__6Vp7_h5PxWXKIUFJT18Gl8mSJ_4ohWUFziWdLV1rliZ671Uo5My2_McgRFI2DfHCWCe5XL5ApKPv9YFT684_FfKpnvTIn7_rVoyQYp3g9Ud_7X5hJGEuBa3HKSGPhn-zh1A0kxnLwNrLms4t3bQZMamuR0R3XYXr76OwU0xQMsqy3_DwV1DJ0z9o0gFV8GSkYWYllVNwfGPXiTSUvTKWIARGV60jUaoYB1sG5yXyhgBcWn-XX5wcOG--aGfdWwlnYF7p_ow",
"use": "sig"
"previous": []
The http://localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks/kong
is the URL that you can give to your
upstream services for them to verify Kong-issued tokens. The response is a standard
JWKS endpoint response. The kong
suffix in the URI is the one that you can specify
with config.access_token_issuer
or config.channel_token_issuer
You can also make a loopback to this endpoint by routing Kong proxy to this URL. Then you can use an authentication plugin to protect access to this endpoint, if that is needed.
You can also DELETE
a key set by issuing following:
DELETE localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks/<name-or-id>
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks/kong
The plugin automatically reloads or regenerates missing JWKS if it cannot find cached ones. The plugin also tries to reload JWKS if it cannot verify the signature of original access token or channel token, such as when the original issuer has rotated its keys and signed with the new one that is not found in Kong cache.
Cached JWKS Admin API Endpoint for a Key Set Rotation
Sometime you might want to rotate the keys Kong uses for signing tokens specified with
and config.channel_token_keyset
, or perhaps
reload tokens specified with config.access_token_jwks_uri
. Kong stores and uses at most two set of keys:
current and previous. If you want Kong to forget the previous keys, you need to
rotate keys twice, as it effectively replaces both current and previous key sets
with newly generated tokens or reloaded tokens if the keys were loaded from
an external URI.
To rotate keys, send a POST
POST localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks/<name-or-id>/rotate
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/jwt-signer/jwks/kong/rotate
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "WL-MciVclsUiIOo1IFBozrFmCIGHcYieGGny3RiENbU",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "sOIf20LLUMcwaScetGnnljjkla_uZ1xQbWOy5cUjiDqku1MqiRgSvI9lM0A6USa4xtqGEnAhE-wZG7fqdWIUPgm3gZxmB6JjIV3E32PjWUtiVAiJUId3dMaGn4FSzU-TTKFAIB-xfO_0qoccaGfjsh2E5qeBGK1IBznnaw3ShnqdB53kJkSS0xgZ3NyCwh4zfTb0XeJq0l8U9xS3IdaVMj5EBOFvo-DBMneyICgLQaLIEB2KQ64aN2al4sLhKCL_Ui02s1F0igLdUr0nyhe7iFK6YIyhERMviDmv_HW7CfFcNVvB-dbpIfW0Z9SX4CtkpaAHdY4HPZFneJ4VtqYQLQ",
"use": "sig"
"alg": "RS512",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "6EIBzS288AfTm1atFHICYZ4SvWY3X9jnZEYQT3uKfXw",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "zpxT7SlEmnWxquVwELysCCmrAkAvJb8eYHk3DLKEvjDDUVjA8u6KFoCBL6ySRg59kZESZ_30A0Oi1wWO85kUySlL_rtn-1PYPCUX_Yhsdoq0dYmD388l5VxRDdwVQh6c4VnbTZbJGk7RDm-dBe2xNwdfNs_C5f4pf-nGMyk1kqfgVRoYkrXuMAwd4xbeb-gh7ZdBNQO-LkMlLVGKbFe5bsnvG2ht202qx_VdHjN-spxbRUANCDRpPTAM1uEdB15EijZDLnwXZCywUsb0WIKA0bxxEJtH6tO7g8EujYqZB3Z-TaCq-dtq8lKT2FoRNx6-Zc3zVsRHb5RWqV2pgrKWZQ",
"use": "sig"
"previous": [
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "v6el8V8dbrKY5w2PInkM468aSuODrKcfbt-44xdDIjk",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "uJzCU_TangWMFk25_JggtkVNjtFfaaz3jERYEYrsb92KFK4FpjfenYYeo8XCGLphn-NcYJroHy3aVznTvU3O8B-5z27uFgXUzk_m-fJ5C4cyqBaJS_myuMOnx0SBl-V6rIGmbdAd0rxsR9SK4JXaZ7xPnQKl8Z6N_Be2iWzf8RUzgM51x7RLQWr55DXBz5IS0O3uYi0z2_xaTyhvZ01aGMGO8Jom1QZkSf2SBGVvQiff464wB_R9Uw8bnbDw6SI0A7JbvSTj80dsoB5YJaR6OZ7XzJX53J1-efiEPc-JTXnqsN1xd-7DbrwpGSui7cGU79H7rG2o-DdVtz649JVXHw",
"use": "sig"
"alg": "RS512",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "SBFmMBtMQzjQEYPDQ_7H5emJzfjX4-FBVE22_SRy5oU",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "rPcrSYQKnJNfMd0AF2t8JGSRdSSOeEPwSpPNyq6T13NXWLBDzzmZC8gNURFrsB8hkeY_KUNe3rVZz__6Vp7_h5PxWXKIUFJT18Gl8mSJ_4ohWUFziWdLV1rliZ671Uo5My2_McgRFI2DfHCWCe5XL5ApKPv9YFT684_FfKpnvTIn7_rVoyQYp3g9Ud_7X5hJGEuBa3HKSGPhn-zh1A0kxnLwNrLms4t3bQZMamuR0R3XYXr76OwU0xQMsqy3_DwV1DJ0z9o0gFV8GSkYWYllVNwfGPXiTSUvTKWIARGV60jUaoYB1sG5yXyhgBcWn-XX5wcOG--aGfdWwlnYF7p_ow",
"use": "sig"