Kong Gateway
PermalinkAdmins Examples
Invite and register an admin using the Admin API. Can be used for automation.
Set up the following environment variables:
export USERNAME=<username>
export EMAIL=<email>
export WORKSPACE=<workspace>
export HOST=<admin_api_host>
export TOKEN=Kong-Admin-Token:<super_admin_token>
For example:
export USERNAME=drogon
export EMAIL=test@test.com
export WORKSPACE=default
export HOST=
export ADMIN_TOKEN=Kong-Admin-Token:hunter2
You may benefit from HTTPie and jq.
PermalinkInvite an admin
Extract and store the token from the registration URL, either by manually creating an environment variable or by echoing and piping with jq
PermalinkRegister the admin
curl -i -X http://localhost:8001/$WORKSPACE/admins/register \
--data token=$REGISTER_TOKEN \
--data username=$USERNAME \
--data email=$EMAIL \
--data password="<new_password>"