APIOps with decK
API Lifecycle Automation (APIOps) is the process of applying automation frameworks to API best practices. decK enables APIOps by providing a tool with varied commands that can be coordinated to build API delivery automations.
decK commands break down into the following categories:
- Configuration generation
- Configuration transformation
- Gateway state management
This guide walks you through using the configuration generation and transformation commands to build an API automation delivery pipeline.
Configuration generation
OpenAPI is the most commonly used standard for defining API behavior. OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) are useful for many API development related tasks including generating documentation and API client code. With decK, you can also generate Kong Gateway configuration from OAS files.
Let’s assume you have the following minimal OAS in a file named oas.yaml
openapi: 3.0.0
title: httpbin API
description: Simple API for testing purposes
version: 1.0.0
- url: http://httpbin.org
summary: Get a simple response from the /request resource of the httpbin API
description: Successful response
You can generate a Kong Gateway configuration with the following:
deck file openapi2kong \
--spec oas.yaml \
--output-file httpbin.yaml
Which produces a complete decK configuration file:
_format_version: "3.0"
- host: httpbin.org
id: de7107e7-a39c-5574-9e8c-e66787ae50e7
name: httpbin-api
path: /
plugins: []
port: 80
protocol: http
- id: 803b324e-98ed-5ec5-aecf-b4ce973036f4
name: httpbin-api_request_get
- ~/request$
plugins: []
regex_priority: 200
strip_path: false
tags: []
tags: []
upstreams: []
Note: The Kong Gateway getting started guide can help you quickly run a gateway in Docker to follow along with these instructions.
You can synchronize this directly to the gateway using sync
deck gateway sync httpbin.yaml
Which creates the service and route:
creating service httpbin-api
creating route httpbin-api_request_get
Created: 2
Updated: 0
Deleted: 0
This is a very simple example. In reality, you will generally want to configure more sophisticated Kong Gateway capabilities for your API. Maybe you want to secure your API with an authentication plugin, or protect it with traffic management. These API Gateway concepts are usually orthogonal to the OAS, and a clearer separation of concerns is achieved if they are configured independently of the specification.
This can be accomplished with decK file transformations.
Configuration transformations
If you are building microservices or an API platform for multiple teams, you likely have multiple services and code repositories with their own decK configuration files. Using decK file transformation commands, you can organize your decK configuration files into partial segments of the full configuration and assemble them prior to synchronizing with Kong Gateway. This allows you to organize different aspects of the configuration in alignment with the rest of your software development artifacts.
Continuing the example above, let’s take a look at how commands can be pipelined to create API lifecycle automations.
Let’s assume you have a second team that builds a different API, and
provides a Kong Gateway decK configuration segment for their service and route. Copy the
following configuration into a file named another-httpbin.yaml
_format_version: "3.0"
- host: httpbin.org
id: 7cc31086-3837-4e7e-bbe9-271e51c1f614
name: another-httpbin-api
path: /
plugins: []
port: 80
protocol: http
- id: 08ac3482-843a-40f8-a277-a4e73baf19d9
name: another-httpbin-api_request_get
- ~/another-request$
plugins: []
regex_priority: 200
strip_path: false
tags: []
tags: []
upstreams: []
You can use the decK file merge
command to bring these two configurations into one:
deck file merge httpbin.yaml another-httpbin.yaml \
--output-file merged-kong.yaml
You now have a file named merged-kong.yaml
, which is a single decK file with both services and routes merged. This file is
also a complete deck file and could be synchronized to a gateway. Before doing that, let’s take the example one step further.
Now assume you want to ensure that all services in your configuration communicate with the upstream endpoint
via https
only. You can use the deck file patch
command to accomplish this:
deck file patch --state merged-kong.yaml \
--selector "$.services[*]" \
--value 'protocol: "https"' \
--output-file kong.yaml
The final kong.yaml
file is a full configuration you can synchronize to the gateway:
deck gateway sync kong.yaml
Here is an example of putting the above together in a Unix-style pipeline:
deck file openapi2kong --spec oas.yaml --output-file httpbin.yaml &&
deck file merge httpbin.yaml another-httpbin.yaml |
deck file patch --selector "$.services[*]" --value 'protocol: "https"' |
deck gateway sync
Most commonly, you will use the commands from CI/CD tools built into your version control system to bring full and partial Kong Gateway configurations together to create APIOps for your particular needs.
Extending OpenAPI Specifications
You can use several custom annotations within the OpenAPI specification, allowing you to declare Kong Gateway capabilities directly in the specification document. All custom annotations related to Kong Gateway configuration are prepended with the x-kong-
Annotation | Description |
x-kong-tags |
Specify the tags to use for each Kong Gateway entity generated. Tags can be overridden when doing the conversion. This can only be specified at the document level. |
x-kong-service-defaults |
The defaults for the services generated from the servers object in the OpenAPI spec. These defaults can also be added to the path and operation objects, which will generate a new service entity. |
x-kong-upstream-defaults |
The defaults for upstreams generated from the servers object in the OpenAPI spec. These defaults can also be added to the path and operation objects, which will generate a new service entity. |
x-kong-route-defaults |
The defaults for the routes generated from paths in the OpenAPI spec. |
x-kong-name |
The name for the entire spec file. This is used for naming the service and upstream objects in Kong Gateway. If not given, it will use the info.title field to name these objects, or a random UUID if the info.title field is missing. Names are converted into valid identifiers. This directive can also be used on path and operation objects to name them. Similarly to operationId , each x-kong-name must be unique within the spec file. |
x-kong-plugin-<kong-plugin-name> |
Directive to add a plugin. The plugin name is derived from the extension name and is a generic mechanism that can add any type of plugin. This plugin is configured on a global level for the OpenAPI spec. As such, it is configured on the service entity, and applies on all paths and operations in this spec. The plugin name can also be specified on paths and operations to override the config for that specific subset of the spec. In that case, it is added to the generated route entity. If new service entities are generated from path or operation objects, the plugins are copied over accordingly (for example, by having servers objects, or upstream or service defaults specified on those levels). A consumer can be referenced by setting the consumer field to the consumer name or ID. Note: Since the plugin name is in the key, only one instance of each plugin can be added at each level. |
securitySchemes.[...].x-kong-security-openid-connect |
Specifies that the OpenID Connect plugin is to be used to implement this security scheme object . Any custom configuration can be added as usual for plugins. |
components.x-kong |
Reusable Kong Gateway configuration components. All x-kong references must be under this key. It accepts the following referenceable elements: • x-kong-service-defaults • x-kong-upstream-defaults • x-kong-route-defaults • x-kong-plugin-[...] plugin configurations • x-kong-security-[...] plugin configurations
More information
See the example file at Kong/go-apiops
that showcases examples of the extensive annotations (x-kong-...
directives), as well as explaining the conversion process.