You are browsing documentation for an outdated plugin version.
The following guide shows you how set the plugin up in the access phase.
In this example, the plugin will look for a request matching x-custom-auth
If the header exists in the request, it lets the request through.
If the header doesn’t exist, it terminates the request early.
Let’s test out the Pre-function plugin by filtering requests based on header names.
Set up the plugin
With a database
Without a database
Create a Kong Gateway service:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/ \
--data "name=example-service" \
--data "url="
Add a route to the service:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/routes \
--data "name=test" \
--data "paths[]=/test"
Create a file named custom-auth.lua
with the following content:
-- Get list of request headers
local custom_auth = kong.request.get_header("x-custom-auth")
-- Terminate request early if our custom authentication header
-- does not exist
if not custom_auth then
return kong.response.exit(401, "Invalid Credentials")
-- Remove custom authentication header from request
Apply the Lua code using the pre-function
plugin endpoint:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins \
--form "name=pre-function" \
--form "config.access[1]=@custom-auth.lua" \
--form "config.access[2]=kong.log.err('Test Access')" \
--form "config.header_filter[1]=kong.log.err('Test Header_Filter!')" \
--form "config.body_filter[1]=kong.log.err('Test Body_Filter!')" \
--form "config.log[1]=kong.log.err('Test Log!')"
If successful, the API returns a 201
response code.
Create the service, route, and associated plugin in the declarative config file:
- name: example-service
- service: example-service
paths: [ "/test" ]
- name: pre-function
- |2
-- Get list of request headers
local custom_auth = kong.request.get_header("x-custom-auth")
-- Terminate request early if the custom authentication header
-- does not exist
if not custom_auth then
return kong.response.exit(401, "Invalid Credentials")
-- Remove custom authentication header from request
- kong.log.err('Test Access!')
- kong.log.err('Test Header_Filter!')
- kong.log.err('Test Body_Filter!')
- kong.log.err('Test Log!')
Sync the file to your Kong Gateway instance:
deck gateway sync kong.yaml
Validate the code
Test that the code will terminate the request when no header is passed:
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8000/test
You should get a 401
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"Invalid Credentials"
The logs will show the following messages:
[pre-function] Test Header_Filter!
[pre-function] Test Body_Filter!
[pre-function] Test Body_Filter!
[pre-function] Test Log!
The “Access” message is missing because the first function in that phase does
an early exit, throwing the 401. Hence the subsequent functions are not executed.
This time, test the code by making a valid request:
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8000/test \
--header "x-custom-auth: demo"
You should get a 200
Now the logs will also have the “Access” message.
This is just a small demonstration of the power this plugin grants. You were
able to dynamically inject Lua code into the plugin phases to dynamically
terminate, or transform the request without creating a custom plugin or
reloading and redeploying Kong Gateway.
In summary, serverless functions give you the full capabilities of a custom plugin
without requiring redeploying or restarting Kong.